Typology: Manuals and Guides
Language: English
Date: 2017
UCD Assessment Code of Practice For UCD Staff, Academic Session 2017-18
Theme: Evaluation and Feedback
Author: University College Dublin, Assessment, Registry
Keywords: Assessment
CONTENT: This code of practice is underpinned by the Purpose, Terms and General Principles of Assessment (see section 1) and supported through the UCD Academic Regulations, the Examination Regulations and all University policies relating to assessment. The UCD Academic Regulations provide high level, overarching rules to govern UCD programmes and specifically address matters relating to student progression, assessment and awards for undergraduate and graduate taught programmes of study.
UCD Assessment (Ed.). (2017). University College Dublin. University College Dublin. https://www.ucd.ie/registry/t4media/UCD_ACOP_2017-18.pdf