Typology: Recomendations and guidelines
Language: English
Date: 2011
Using the Principles for Innovative Doctoral Training as a Tool for Guiding Reforms of Doctoral Education in Europe
Theme: Methodologies and Strategies
Author: European Comission
Keywords: structured doctoral education, guiding, doctoral, IDTP
DESCRIPTION: report by the ERA Steering Group Human Resources and Mobility on the Principles for Innovative Doctoral Training (IDTP) and their potential to guide reforms of doctoral education in Europe. The report provides an overview of the seven principles of IDTP, which include research excellence, attractive institutional environment, internal quality assurance, exposure to industry and other relevant employment sectors, interdisciplinary research options, international networking, and transferable skills. It also discusses the challenges and opportunities associated with implementing these principles in different European universities and funding agencies. The report concludes with recommendations for future reforms of doctoral education in Europe, including the development of a website presenting examples of doctoral education structures and programs that have successfully implemented the IDTP.
Using the Principles for Innovative Doctoral Training as a Tool for Guiding Reforms of Doctoral Education in Europe: Report of the ERA Steering Group Human Resources and Mobility (ERA SGHRM). (2011). research-and-innovation.ec.europa.eu. Retrieved July 20, 2023, from https://www.euraxess.be/belgium/jobs-funding/doctoral-training-principles