Typology: Article
Language: English
Date: 2021
Exploring the Darkness of Gamification: You Want It Darker?
Theme: Digital Learning
Author: Tobias Nystrom
Keywords: Darkness; Dark Patterns; Design; Gamifcation; Negative; Persuasive Technology; Systematic Review
ABSTRACT:. Both academia and industry have shown an increased interest in gamification. To enhance the design and understanding of gamification there is a need to explore the negative aspects of the concept. Negative sides, the darkness” of gamfication is further explored in this paper. Through a systematic literature review the darkness of gamfication is mapped and categorized into seven problem domains. This new information could help both industry and academia to acknowledge problem domains of gamification and develop better frameworks for designing gamification. It will also reignite the call to conduct more research about negative sides of gamification in order to improve the gamification experience.
Nyström, T. (2021) Exploring the Darkness of Gamification: You Want It Darker? In: Arai, K. (ed.), Intelligent Computing: Proceedings of the 2021 Computing Conference (pp. 491-506). Cham: Springer Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (LNNS) https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-80129-8_35 Springer International Publishing.