Doctoral Education: Career Tracking
EUA-CDE Career Tracking
In recent years, European universities and other stakeholders have taken interest in career tracking in doctoral education as one of the ways to better understand the potential professional future of doctoral candidates.
This report reflects the outcomes of the work of the EUA-CDE Thematic Peer Group on “Career Development and Tracking in Doctoral Education”.
It presents the findings of the group’s discussions on the importance of data collection on the multiple career destinations of doctorate holders and it explains why universities are interested in this topic.
With findings gathered from 14 universities across Europe, this report provides an overview of the different career tracking activities in place at the participating universities. It also underlines the key challenges associated with following the career paths of doctorate holders.
The report also introduces relevant points for those institutions interested in developing their own career tracking strategy or that want to improve current methods. It also offers case studies based on good practices implemented at the Thematic Peer Group members’ institutions.
Doctoral Students and Teachers