Typology: Manuals and Guides
Language: English
Date: 2010
Students as Partners: Peer Support Icebreakers
Theme: Methodologies and Strategies
Author: Students as Partners, Teaching, Learning and Support Office
Keywords: Ice-Breaking; Activities; group meeting; learning situation; enhance participation
CONTENT: This booklet will come in handy for any group facilitator, but has been primarily designed for use by PASS Leaders, Mentors and Students as Partners staff. Too often we see the same old ice-breakers and energizers used at training courses/first meetings; the aim of this booklet is to provide you with introductory activities that you might not have used or taken part in before!
Students as Partners: Peer Support Icebreakers. (2010). The University of Manchester. https://documents.manchester.ac.uk/DocuInfo.aspx?DocID=7582