Typology: Manuals and Guides
Language: English
Date: 2020
A Guide to Online Supervision
Theme: Digital Learning
Author: Swapna Kumar, Vijay Kumar, Stan Taylor
Keywords: Online supervision; guidance; effective communication; Doctoral Supervision; Research Supervision
INTRODUCTION: Traditionally doctoral candidates studied on campus and, fieldwork apart, were in close proximity to supervisors throughout their studies. But in recent years there has been a rapid growth in the numbers of students undertaking most of their studies off‐campus, often at a very considerable distance from the institution. This development has been made possible by advances in information and communication technologies (ICT), which have enabled candidates to communicate with supervisors and others (Maor, Ensher, & Fraser, 2015). The purpose of this guide is to identify the benefits of online supervision, to consider the challenges, and to suggest ways in which supervisors might be able to overcome them. It Is not intended just for present circumstances where campuses are locked down because of the Covid-19 virus, but more generally for situations where candidates engage in research at geographical distance from the institution, or in programs that involve online components. The Guide looks at the benefits of supervising in an online environment, outlines the issues and challenges for supervisors and candidates, and suggests strategies and practices for supervisors to consider when working with candidates engaged in research at a distance.
Kumar, S., Kumar, V. & Taylor, S. (2020) A Guide to Online Supervision. UK Council for Graduate Education. Retrieved from: https://supervision.ukcge.ac.uk/cms/wp-content/uploads/A-Guide-to-online-Supervision-Kumar-Kumar-Taylor-UK-Council-for-Graduate‐Education.pdf