Typology: Book
Language: English
Date: 2017
Developing the Higher Education Curriculum - Research-based Education in Practice
Theme: Curriculum Design, Methodologies and Strategies
Author: Brent Carnell and Dilly Fung (editors)
Keywords: Higher Education Curriculum; Research-based Education; research-intensive curriculum; connected curricula
Description/Abstract or Content/Index
APA Reference
Description/Abstract or Content/Index
CONTENTS: Editors’ introduction: Developing the higher education curriculum: Research-based education in practice
1. Cultivating student expectations of a research-informed curriculum: Developing and promoting pedagogic resonance in the undergraduate student learning pathway
2. Development of a connected curriculum in biochemistry at a large, research-intensive university in Canada
3. Inspiring learning through research and enquiry: The Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) at Xi’an JiaotongLiverpool University (XJTLU)
4. The materials of life: Making meaning through object-based learning in twenty-first century higher education
5. Foundation skills for veterinary medical research
6. Connecting the curriculum with the iGEM student research competition
7. Curating connections in the art history curriculum
8. Developing online resources to support student research theses and dissertations: Evidence from the EdD at the UCL Institute of Education
9. Connected disciplinary responses to the call to decolonise curricula in South African higher education
10. Connecting research and teaching through curricular and pedagogic design: From theory to practice
11. Connecting research, enquiry and communities in the creative curriculum
12. Interprofessional education development at Leeds: Making connections between different healthcare students, staff, universities, and clinical settings
13. Digital education and the Connected Curriculum: Towards a connected learning environment
14. Connecting students and staff for teaching and learning enquiry: The McMaster Student Partners Programme
15. A jigsaw model for student partnership through research and teaching in small-group engineering classes
16. Vignettes of current practice
A. Learning through research and enquiry: A graduate certificate for working professionals – a research-based education, with flexibility and online learning
B. Using social media to equip students with research skills to improve stakeholder engagement in the energy and resources sector
C. Developing students’ understanding of historical practice through connections with the university’s research
D. Speech and Language Therapy students learn through scaffolded research development and turn their final dissertations into a journal article
E. Designing a throughline and a research-culture in Biochemistry
F. A throughline of research in a music programme
G. History students researching their university and engaging an audience
H. E-portfolio assessments: Creating connections
I. Using graduate attributes to link academic learning with the world of work
J. An Alumni Mentoring Network enabling student connections with alumni and career mentoring
K. Student–staff partnerships: Students partnering with staff to improve education
L. Establishing an individual and peer coaching support network for an MSc dissertation in Voluntary Sector Policy and Management in UCL’s School of Public Policy
APA Reference
Carnell, B., & Fung, D. (2017). Developing the higher education curriculum: Research-Based Education in Practice. UCL Press.