Typology: Recomendations and guidelines
Language: EN
Date: 2023
Theme: Methodologies and Strategies
Author: Julia Flasdick, Dana-Kristin Mah, Mike Bernd, Florian Rampelt
Keywords: micro-credentials, micro-degrees
ABSTRACT: Micro-credentials and micro-degrees are increasingly being discussed in education policy and prac-tice as a flexible and innovative form of qualification. This discussion paper outlines the current status of national, European and international activities on micro-credentials and micro-degrees on digital learning platforms, in higher education and in vocational education. Taking the AI Campus – the Learn-ing Platform for Artificial Intelligence – as a use case, it presents current practical developments and perspectives. Central to this is the presentation of a working definition of micro-credentials and micro-degrees, considering the current academic discourse, as well as the demonstration of two planned AI Campus micro-degree programmes. Finally, an outlook will be offered related to the AI Campus’ plans for advancing the development of micro-degrees and helping them to take shape. The focus of this paper is on the German and European university landscape.
Flasdick, J., Mah, D.-K., Bernd, M., & Rampelt, F. (2023). Micro-credentials and micro-degrees. Current developments and potentials for educationalpractice based on the example of the AI Campus. Berlin: AI Campus.https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7327638